Living Blog Post. I make a holiday card most every year to reflect back on the year, what was the final outcome or the latest vibe prior to designing it. I usually do a hand sketch and study it for a bit looking for patterns or a direction I feel it needs to move towards. Then I test theses ideas and they either become or morph into another mood/image. Here is some of the process sketches.

The cards are designed as post cards, 3x5 and 4x6. Presently they are free to download and share. To see all the cards visit here: The first card that I designed is the first one that comes up of the black and white snowman scribble. It was a very difficult time in my life and it was titled as such.
As the years followed I had a small handful of people that actually liked them, some liked the darkness/creepiness and perhaps associated it with the year that transpired. Not all the years seem to be bright and cheery as the mainstream leads us to think. These cards are my reflections of the past years. I hope you enjoy some if not one of them. Happy Holidays, Michael Pearce